


大学的品牌学生体验将为所有学生提供资源丰富的教育, 课外学习, and student life experiences that transform their concepts of individual potential and prepare them successfully to engage and excel in careers that benefit and contribute to society; that are fully aligned with their personal goals and talents; that develop professional expertise and the capacity for life-long learning and that establish lifelong connections with their peers, 社会和大学. The 大学 will be intentional in supporting the engagement of all students in demonstrated high-impact teaching and learning practices and robust 课外学习 programming.


创造并维持高品质, 严格的, and competitive academic programs that serve student needs and continue to elevate the institution’s reputation.


a) By 2025, refine the undergraduate and graduate academic portfolio to include new programs that emphasize professional competence and 领导 skills in growth areas in the region, 包括STEM领域, 健康, 媒体, 和管理

b) Redesign the liberal arts core curriculum with renewed dedication to ensuring competencies in digital technologies; 媒体 literacy; analytical reading; skillful writing; oral communication; critical thinking; historical consciousness; and civic and ethical awareness, 将这些能力固定在最佳评估实践中

c) 采用个人毕业作品集,学生将从第一天上课开始策划, as a repository and record of all their academic and 课外学习 activities over the course of their education

d) 扩大与社区学院有效的以学生为中心的转学项目的发展

e) 创造创新, flexible and 媒体ted teaching and study spaces that will enable teacher experimentation with and use of new technologies and pedagogical techniques, 提高学生参与度, 课堂内外的协作和主动学习

f) 制定学位完成计划, 在线课程, 以及计划和课程的替代安排,以支持学生的学习和成功


1.1.1. 增加的相关性, 的需求, and academic quality of undergraduate and graduate programs leading to a degree or certificate from the baseline in AY2019-20

1.1.2. 提高学生在大学学习评估加(CLA+)工具上的表现水平, 都是根据满足基本能力的学生百分比来计算的, 以及密歇根州立大学学生与同级院校学生的相对表现

1.1.3. Increased percent of freshmen and seniors who describe the rigor of their 课程 at MSU as “Very High” or “High” on 全国学生参与调查 (NSSE) instrument

1.1.4. 提高大学地位, 以及其学术项目的地位, 由选定的国家排名决定, 从2019-20财年的基线开始

1.1.5. 在2019- 2020学年的基础上,增加了可获得学位或证书的在线课程数量

1.1.6. 在2019- 2020年的课程基线基础上,将完全在线模式的课程交付增加100%



Increase engaged student participation in an expanded range and variety of campus experiences and support activities.


a) 促进所有学生最大限度地获得实习机会和合作教育经验

b) 通过扩大荣誉选择和专业内的社团,提高卓越的学习成绩, 并支持申请一流的高等教育机会,如富布赖特, Gates-Cambridge, 吉尔曼, 马歇尔, 米切尔, 罗兹, 施瓦茨曼和杜鲁门奖学金

c) Increase communication and participation in activities and programs focused on increasing the well-being of students to support the development of the whole student

d) 达到全国地位,作为顶尖的NCAA三级机构

e) 促进和支持学生参与专业协会, 社团和兴趣小组随着学生群体的发展而发展


1.2.1. Increased levels of engagement across a range of campus experiences as measured by student-reported activity and satisfaction on national surveys (i.e. 新生调查, 大学高年级学生调查, 鲁法洛诺埃尔-莱维茨学生满意度指数, 以及全国学生参与调查)

1.2.2. 通过记录会员人数来衡量,提高了对校园体验的参与度, 出席学术活动, 以及其他参与的衡量标准

1.2.3. 扩大学生组织和活动的范围,提高参与率

1.2.4. Increased student use of academic and other support services and facilities over baselines established in AY2019-20

1.2.5. 增加了分区冠军和参加第三区NCAA季后赛, 增加参加体育赛事的人数, 在招收学生运动员方面也取得了巨大成功

1.2.6. Increased degree completion rates and higher academic achievement of student athletes over baselines established in AY2019-20

1.2.7. 提高学生赢得竞争激烈的研究生奖学金和奖学金的成功率



Identify and craft signature transformative student experiences that contribute to a distinct identity for the university across both curricular and 课外学习 programming.


a) Provide curricular and 课外学习 programming to prepare graduates for the world of work and lay a foundation for the continued acquisition of knowledge and skills that assure competence in an evolving work environment

b) 确保需要团队合作的课程和课外经历, 领导, 解决问题和做决定, 文化能力, 创造性思维

c) Leverage the range of cultural experiences offered by the university to engage students in activities that enhance learning through the arts, 体育运动, 以及面向所有社区成员的项目

d) Enhance student experience through career development activities that link both curricular and 课外学习 programming to alumni and post-graduate success

e) 加强培训机会,促进技能发展, 课程和课外机会, 以及对离开澳门银银河官方网站登录入口后的生活很重要的技能

f) Increase high impact experiences by expanding access to and participation in national and international programs that broaden understanding of the nation in the world


1.3.1. 衡量由CLA+评估的活动和经验, 全国学生参与调查, 或高等教育研究所获得的分数最高, 或增值, 为澳门银银河官方网站登录入口州立大学的学生提供从入学到毕业的课程

1.3.2. 增加了新项目和经验的数量, 基于现有的分析, 高度变革性的项目, 似乎最有可能在学业或个人方面改变学生

1.3.3. 实现学生获得国际富布赖特奖

1.3.4. Increased student participation in UN Academic Impact programs and in the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI)





a) Assure intentional degree program design in every program to enable timely completion to degree for all students

b) 开发强大的大学分析系统,以监测和促进学生和校友的成功, 包括EAB导航, 第一目的港调查, 以及其他平台

c) Establish a senior level Enrollment Management Group that uses data to research and manage multiyear enrollment, 学校支持的留校和毕业目标


1.4.1. 将第一学期的留存率提高到95%,并在达到目标后保持这一水平

1.4.2. 将第一年的留存率提高到85%,并在达到目标后保持这一水平

1.4.3. 将四年制毕业率提高到60%,并在达到这一目标后保持这一水平.

1.4.4. 将六年毕业率提高到80%,并提高达到这一水平后的成功程度



Expand programs and services that improve students’ opportunities for life-long success and engaged citizenship, 并增加大学对他们持续关系的承诺


a) Create advanced on-line portals and self-service functions to support the availability of essential student and alumni resources – Red Hawk Central, 学术深思熟虑, 职业服务, 技术支持服务

b) Develop 大学-wide career counseling protocols to guide all students toward successful post-graduation careers, 利用与校友的关系, 他们的雇主和其他外部伙伴

c) 为研究生在事业上的成功和随后的学位获得建立一个可靠的跟踪系统

d) 建立机制,以更好地连接学生和校友互利的活动

e) 加强校友关系活动,协调全校的努力


1.5.1. 增加了参加包括合作实习在内的体验式学习活动的学生数量和百分比, 实习, 临床实践, 出国留学和其他包括重要的现实世界组成部分的项目

1.5.2. 访问就业服务中心进行职业咨询或自我评估的学生人数和比例增加, 或者利用招聘会和其他与就业相关的活动

1.5.3. 增加培训机会, 课程, 以及由学院和学校提供的专业和职业发展的其他非学分服务

1.5.4. Increased number of 澳门银银河官方网站登录入口州立大学 alumni participating in 课程 or activities sponsored by College or School continuing education programs

1.5.5. Increased number and percent of Bachelor’s degree recipients who further their education by enrolling in accredited graduate programs

1.5.6. 增加获得学士学位的人获得硕士和/或博士学位的人数和百分比

1.5.7. Increased number and percent of students who volunteer to participate in activities sponsored by the Center for Community Engagement

1.5.8. 增加了学生投票的数量和比例





a) 为大学打造清晰、真实的品牌叙事, convey this narrative consistently and effectively to all key audiences using a strategic mix of paid advertising, 获得的新闻报道, 拥有渠道和社交网络


1.6.1. 名字识别能力的提高, 品牌知名度, 以及主要受众的好感, 通过调查研究来衡量

1.6.2. 关键品牌驱动因素的新闻报道增长.g. 教师研究和专业知识, 学生的成就, 以及制度对国家(民族/世界)的影响,以及特定渠道指标的改进
